New pregnancy laws have been passed…Do you know what to expect when your employees are expecting?

Did you know a new law has been passed? The Protection Against Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act 2023 came into force on 24 July – and while it hasn’t been enforced straightaway as the regulations haven’t been published yet, now’s the time to make sure you’re doing everything right when it comes to employee pregnancy.

There’s a lot to consider, so we get it if your head is spinning a bit – but luckily, Jonathan is here to help. Jonathan is the HR & Employment Law advisor behind your free Citation HR advice line. And he’s on hand to answer any of your questions and give you a hand when it comes to managing pregnancies in your workplace.

You could ask…
- Do I need maternity leave, paternity leave and adoption leave policies?
- Should I carry out a pregnant worker risk assessment?
- What do I do when an employee needs to go to ante-natal appointments?
- Can I performance manage or discipline a pregnant employee?
- How do I know if an employee qualifies for maternity, paternity or adoption leave?
- How much should I pay employees during maternity, paternity or adoption leave?
- What’s shared parental leave?
- Can I make someone redundant if they’re pregnant or on maternity, paternity or adoption leave?
- How do I cover their absence? Secondment? Temporary contracts?
- What happens to their holidays when they are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave?
- How do I handle their return to work?
And so much more...

So, for friendly and confident support with your HR & Employment Law issues that puts you first, get in touch with Jonathan at Citation today at or call 0161 504 0843 between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and quote Foodservice Equipment Association. Or book a slot in his diary here.


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