FEA Guides
FEA | Guides
FEA’s Guide to Cutting Equipment Costs
Can your foodservice equipment help you meet the challenges of the rising costs crisis? FEA, the Foodservice Equipment Association, thinks it can – and offers advice on reducing running costs through better practices and utilising new technologies. We see three areas that operators can exploit to reduce their costs.
They are training staff in best practice; servicing equipment regularly; and, when you need to buy new equipment, investing in new technologies.

FEA Employers Guide to Catering Equipment Apprenticeships
This guide covers the catering equipment apprenticeship for service and installation engineers and gives employers step by step direction on setting up an apprenticeship programme.
The Guide is designed to encourage employers who are considering setting up an apprenticeship programme. The skills shortage is a huge issue for our industry, nowhere more so than in equipment servicing: we simply have to grow our workforce of skilled service and installation engineers. Apprenticeship programmes will help attract the newcomers we need into the industry.
Click image to download guide.

FEA's Guide to Ecodesign and Energy Labelling
This Guide is intended to clarify the aims and objectives of the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Directives and to spell out what they mean to catering equipment buyers. It’s produced by the Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA), the voice of the catering equipment industry.
Click image to download guide.

FEA's Guide to Decommissioned Catering Equipment
The catering industry is throwing away tens of thousands of working appliances, every year. Many enter the waste stream for the materials to be recycled, but this should be the last resort. Scrapping perfectly serviceable equipment undermines our sustainability aspirations and credibility. It’s also a waste of money – the value of this unnecessarily scrapped equipment on the second hand market, as a reused product, is worth tens of £millions per year. WEEE (the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive) is designed to recycle components from equipment that is no longer working. Sadly it doesn’t protect serviceable equipment from being scrapped too early.
Click image to download guide.

FEA Brexit Toolkit guidance documentation
The FEA Brexit Toolkit is a guidance document that defines a checklist of considerations to enable the smoothest transition possible. To aid you in your preparation we have covered a number of key areas:
- Business Strategy
- Operations
- Supply Chain
- Transport and Logistics
- Customs, Tariffs and Taxation
- Innovation
- Regulations and Standards
- Sales and Marketing
- UK Market Dynamics
- Customs
- Competition
- Finance
- Currency
- People Management
- Movement of People