CESA Outlook 2019: Quarter Two Results

The results displayed in this document assess how the land lies within the business land- scape and give an understand of the major concerns that members face.

To increase appeal and boost responses we consulted business experts to aid with question structure and content.

We hope that you find the information of value.

Please keep your eyes peeled for our next CESA Outlook survey as we encourage as many of our members to take part as possible.

The graphs used in CESA Outlook take zero as a base, and the total percentage of a partic- ular question is displayed either side of that. Where there are multiple choice questions, for example question 2.1, the bars to the left-hand-side of zero represent the negative answers whilst the bars to the right-hand-side represent the positive answers.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

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