Business Leaders CFSP: September 2019
This programme offers the same content as the June and December 2019 CFSP general programme, but will be held in a smaller group setting to benefit Council Members, Managing Directors and General Managers to undertake CFSP with a group of their peers.
The date and venue for this Business Leaders CFSP seminar and exam has been set for Thursday the 19th and Friday the 20th of September 2019 at the CESA offices, London and led by Graham Veal of GCA Management.
Can you afford to miss out on joining the ever-growing industry accredited qualification?
The programme content and benefits are relevant to manufacturers, consultants, distributors and operators. Over 550 representatives from all four groups have become accredited in the UK since the programme’s launch.
The Process:
Before the seminar and exam please be sure to read the revised Introduction to Foodservice Study Guide and have answered the questions at the end of each chapter. Your study guide can also be sent as a PDF for you to download on your tablet, giving you plenty of time to read and prepare for the next seminar.
The seminar day consolidates this information and prepares you for the exam. The exam comprises a mixture of multiple choice, single word or phrase answers and true/false questions.
Please visit the CFSP website for more information on the programme and to view all the individuals that are CFSP certified.
Places are £580 plus VAT for CESA Members. All other non-member places are £840 plus VAT.
To register, please complete the attached booking form and return to