Foodservice Carbon Professional - FCP

This page includes information on

  • Background to Foodservice Professional Carbon Professional
  • FCP Core Module structure
  • FCP Refrigeration Module structure
  • Course delivery
  • Accessing Foodservice Carbon Professional
  • Course cost
  • FCP sign-up form
  • Foodservice Carbon Professional contact:

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🚀 Our next FCP live seminar is the FCP Cooking and Warming Live Launch Seminar on Monday 15th July at 2pm

📋 It's free to join - register here



Background Foodservice Carbon Professional (FCP)

Foodservice Carbon Professional is leading the foodservice equipment industry in the development of skills, knowledge, and expertise to address the energy challenges and sustainability demands currently placing a strain on the sector.

Through the learning and development of the FCP Core Module and Product Specific Modules; employees in the supply chain (manufacturers, importers, distributors, consultants and operators) will be empowered with the confidence and knowledge to assess and address key issues in a professional capacity and adopt key behavioural changes.

Foodservice Carbon Professional provides delegates with science-based knowledge enabling them to initiate discussions on climate change with foodservice sector clients and colleagues as well as gaining the confidence required to be able to challenge misconceptions on the impacts and causes of climate change in relation to the foodservice sector.

Accredited delegates will be able to confidently and coherently discuss carbon reduction in context of the foodservice equipment sector aligning their knowledge to their own product portfolio and business activities.

By partnering with recognised professionals, the FEA has brought its strength to delivering a unique and comprehensive resource for the industry.

Benefits to the employer

Empowers employees with the ability to align theory with real life situations and how understanding of carbon and sustainability can improve business credibility.

Benefits to the employee

Delegates will be enabled to discuss carbon reduction in context of the foodservice equipment sector and relate it to the types of equipment in their sales portfolio.

Benefits to the environment

Knowledge acquired of the overarching implications of climate change for the foodservice supply chain will have a positive effect far beyond that of just the sector.

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Foodservice Carbon Professional Course Structure

FCP delegates are required to take the Core Module before taking an elective category specific module. The category specific modules, Cooking Equipment, Refrigeration, and Warewashing will be live from July 2024. FCP is open to anyone who wishes to become accredited.

Core Module Content

Section 1 – Climate and Carbon: Global Big Picture

  • Climate and environmental challenges
  • What are greenhouse gasses
  • What is carbon and its relationship to energy supply?
  • Impacts and implications from not acting on carbon and climate

Section 2 – Measurement, Reporting and Legislation

  • Carbon measurement
  • Net zero carbon and carbon neutrality
  • Offsetting
  • Guidance for carbon reporting
  • Legislative framework
  • Water
  • Waste and FOG

Section 3 – Carbon Reduction in the Food Service Sector

  • Carbon reduction context within the sector
  • Equipment categories and their carbon emissions
  • Associated energy reduction strategies
  • Understanding asset value
  • Supply chain integrity and energy reduction projects
  • Life cycle assessment

Section 4 – Practical Application

  • Student participation to discuss open-ended topics relating to any real-life, practical issues and challenges for their business / teams.
  • Compare theory to real life situations and how understanding of carbon and sustainability can improve business credibility

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Refrigeration Module Content

Section 1 – Scope and Application

  • Key professional food service refrigeration products, their applications and selection criteria.

Section 2 – How it Works

  • Key principles of refrigeration
  • Key components in refrigeration systems

Section 3 – Refrigerants

  • Key properties of refrigerants
  • Context of environmental legislation concerning refrigerants
  • Types of refrigerants
  • Calculating the carbon impact of refrigerants
  • The importance of energy efficiency

Section 4 – Legislation and Regulation

  • Ecodesign for refrigeration
  • Energy labelling requirements
  • F-gas regulations compliance
  • Other environmental legislation affecting refrigeration

Section 5 – Lifetime Emissions

  • Lifetime emissions of foodservice refrigeration
  • Embodied carbon of refrigerators
  • Design for low carbon
  • Transport and distribution
  • Reduction of energy and carbon in the use of refrigeration systems
  • Food safety and waste reduction
  • The importance of staff training
  • Appropriate maintenance of refrigeration systems
  • Fugitive emissions from refrigeration
  • Innovation and development in refrigeration technology
  • End of (first) life of refrigeration systems
  • Lifecycle costs
  • Case studies of whole lifetime emissions

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Cooking & Warming Module Content

Section 1 – Scope and Application

  • Key professional food service refrigeration products, their applications and selection criteria.

Section 2 – How it Works

  • Key principles of cooking and warming
  • Key components in cooking and warming systems

Section 3 – Legislation and Regulation

  • Ventilation for cooking and warming equipment
  • Regulation relating to gas consumption
  • Water regulations compliance
  • Understanding electrical regulations for cooking and warming equipment
  • Other environmental legislation affecting cooking and warming equipment

Section 4 – Lifetime Emissions

  • Lifetime emissions of foodservice cooking and warming equipment
  • Embodied carbon of cooking and warming equipment
  • Design for low carbon
  • Transport and distribution
  • Reduction of energy and carbon in the use of cooking and warming equipment
  • Food safety and waste reduction
  • The importance of staff training
  • Appropriate maintenance of cooking and warming equipment
  • Innovation and development in cooking and warming technology
  • End of (first) life of cooking and warming equipment
  • Lifecycle costs
  • Case studies of whole lifetime emissions

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How is the course delivered?

Foodservice Carbon Professional is a blended learning programme delivered through the FEA Academy, FEA’s learning management system.

The Foodservice Carbon Professional features a mix of presentations, recorded audio, virtual tutorials, reading materials and multiple choice and short answer questions, and working group discussions.

Important, please read: FCP is a self study accreditation. Learners are required to complete the course within 12-months. If the course is not completed in the twelve-month timeframe delegates will be required to re-subscribe at full cost in order to gain an FCP accreditation.

Accessing Foodservice Carbon Professional

Registered users can access Foodservice Carbon Professional via the FEA Academy login portal.

New users

  1. Select which modules you wish to subscribe to via the course payment form.
  2. Once payment has been received head to FEA Academy landing page and click the 'Create new account' link in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
  3. Once you have registered you will receive an email acknowledging your registration.
  4. You will then receive a second email informing you that your account is active.

Who to contact

If you have any issues with the registration process or logging in please contact 



Course Cost

Sign-up promotion for FEA members

  • Individual Core Module cost – £750
  • Individual sector specific module cost - £650
  • Core module & category specific sign-up promotion £1300
    – saving £100 pp.

Sign-ups from non-category-specific companies can benefit from the saving when booking two Core Modules.

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